Join Us
BSCC welcomes new members - both novices and experienced racers. Equipment and coaching are provided for beginners.
Our main club session takes place on Sunday mornings all year round, and includes training for members of all standards, whether in coach-led groups (juniors and beginners) or under the direction of a bank-based coach for more advanced members. Where possible, the club will arrange additional race training groups at other times (attendance will depend on age, standard, and season).
Established racing paddlers: If you already have racing experience please be sure to mention the amount and standard when arranging to visit so that we can direct you to the most appropriate training group.
Beginners: The first step for new paddlers considering joining the club as regular members for ongoing Sunday training will be to visit the club to have a look around, and gain an understanding of what we do, as it is often not what people expect.
To arrange your first visit, please contact the Secretary by e-mail, or by filling in the contact form on this page. Please include the participants' name(s), contact details, age (if a child), post code and past paddling experience if any. If you do not get a response within 48 hours, please follow up by phone.
Please make sure you read the FAQs below. If you still have questions, please email the Secretary, or phone 01279 755089.
Privacy - The information you send using the contact form will be transmitted to the Secretary (and some other BSCC administrators) via the web host (Weebly). As part of the process your IP address will also be recorded. Weebly's US servers are Privacy Shield certified. See Weebly's privacy policy.
Arrange your first visit to the club
IMPORTANT - please read the FAQs below on this page before contacting!
Membership Subscriptions:
Full Membership of the club is by annual subscription £168 (senior) / £120 (junior, i.e. under 18). There are discounts if two or more family members join as Full Members. The subscription year runs from July to June, and annual subscriptions are calculated pro rata for those joining mid-year.
As a new club member you will initially be able to attend Sunday sessions ONLY, and as you improve you may also be able to attend more advanced training at other times by arrangement with the volunteer coaches.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is my child old enough to start? - The child's height (because of the limits of the equipment), build (because of their exposure to cold), water confidence, coordination and balance are more important than their chronological age. As a general guidance we generally suggest 8yrs as the minimum age, but for some children even this is too early - coaches will advise in individual cases. Please note that for children under 14, a parent/guardian must remain on site throughout the session. Do I have to provide my own equipment? - The club is able to provide suitable equipment for use at our beginner sessions. All you need to bring initially is suitable clothing. Once you begin to enter competitions, having a roof-rack on your car is extremely helpful. As your performance begins to improve, you will want to buy your own buoyancy aid, racing paddle, and ultimately your own boat and V-bars.
Sundays are difficult, can I attend at other times? - All new members must start by attending on Sundays. Weekday sessions are extra training to develop those already racing. Access to the premises for independent paddling is only possible with the permission of the committee. For security reasons, independent paddlers must be trusted senior members of long standing.
Will you expect me to race? - As soon as you are proficient on the water, we would like you to begin racing with us. The races generally take place on a Sunday - see our club events diary. Most paddlers find they enjoy using their new skills in this way and attending the races is a sociable family event.
Canoe racing is as much a team event as an individual one, but there is no limit on the number of team members who can participate, so everybody gets the chance to join in and contribute to the club's success. There is usually an entry fee to compete in races. |
Can I store my boat at the club? - Full members (only) can apply to the Quartermaster for permission to store a private boat at the club. Please note however that this is subject to space being available. Racks are allocated on merit and no member is guaranteed a space for their boat.
Can people with impairments join in? - BSCC aims to be as fully-inclusive as possible. If you want to race, we will give you all the help and encouragement we can - the Winter Series marathons and Summer Series regattas are particularly accommodating to Paddle-Ability competitors. Our coaches will be glad to discuss your individual needs and objectives, and to work out how we can best help you. We also welcome approaches from groups who want to come for an occasional fun session. An Accessibility Checklist for our premises can be downloaded from the Find Us page.
Do you hire out your equipment or venue? - Sorry, no. For boat hire in the area, see our Links page. It is sometimes possible for school and other local community groups to arrange to have access to the club room during the day for certain kinds of activities. Please contact the Secretary well in advance to find out whether we can help.

Can I paddle on the Stort without joining the club? - There is public access to only 4% of inland water in England & Wales (see Access to Water). Fortunately, the Stort is under the control of the Canal & River Trust who do permit canoeing by anyone so long as you have a Waterways Licence - most effectively purchased through membership of the English part of of Paddle UK. The towpath and river can be accessed in the town centre under the bridge near the Station car park. Please note that there is no vehicular access to the clubhouse or Southmill Lock when there is no key-holder on site. Everyone using club facilities must be a member or invited guest, and novices must always be supervised by a coach. You can find lots of information about paddling independently on the Go Paddling website, or find another club or activity centre close to you.